circuit protektor sharp 20r200 with ix3098

circuit protektor sharp 20r200 with ix3098
  • sharp 20r200 with ic program ix3098 and chroma m52340 be old fashion, but sometimes still there that enter ketempat service.
  • this model is to steps into service fashion uses a switch (s1006) the location there membagian hind main-pcb near tuner linked to pin-37 ic program. to step into service fashion so position switch mempindah to “service” to menshort pin-37 to ground.
  • ic has pin-protek input in pin-38 program, where in the tension normal condition “nol”. to paralyse protektor so pin-38 can menyhort direct to ground
  •  circuit protektor relate to tension heater from flyback

there 3 condition kinds that can causes protektor active work, that is

  • first x-ray protektor that active if tension flyback exceed normal. if tension flyback over so will causes tension heater also will come to rise so that causes zener mengode d610 penetrated and pin-protek get tension “high”
  • second protektor that active if tension heater drops or lost caused among others for example because flyback broken, horizontal part problem, or def yoke short. tension heater drops or will lost will causes transistor collector q603 there tension “high”. normal tension in collector q603 “nol”
  • third (this matter stills question mark for we) problem ic memory

experience 1.

  •  technician friend ever see difficulty (asks to we) with problem protek in this model. circuit protektor inspected there is no problem. memory has been replaced.
  • obvious problem caused because vcc ic program a little drops. the cause capacitor bypass in stripe vcc 5v a little short (leak)

experience 2.

  • this is experience kamisendiri. after aeroplane at “power” - a moment then green indicator lamp will turn red and glimmer
  • but -power again – led green meyala again sebantar – and then turn into red and glimmer again
  • ic also circuit protektor there is no problem. even circuit protektor paralysed.
  • surprisingly when switch s1006 in mempindah on course “service”, aeroplane can normal alive – flame green indicator lamp then. and if switch be returned to normal position – led red winks will to return
  • after dizzy seven arounds 2 days mengubek - obvious problem lost self when do we do re-solder in x-tal oscillator ic program.

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